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Dry Fire – Short Film (23min)

Dry Fire has been a passion project through covid for Dan and close friends and collaborators Adam McConvell, Adam Bigum and Amelia Farmer. Jumping away from comedy for for an excuse to play soldiers in the bush, this film is about a teenage girl learning to kill.

Filmed on Dan’s Red Epic and colour graded in Resolve the project served as a next step in a directing partnership between Adam Bigum and Dan Farmer.

The Starey Bampire

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This film was put together for $30 and ended up winning $100,000+ over a number of local and international festivals.

The film is a cheeky little story told by Elvie Fox Farmer and reinacted by her mother, and family friend/collaborator Adam Bigum.

Winner 1st Place COMEDY My Rode Reel Competition 2020

[imdb style=”dark”]tt14063914[/imdb]

Neighbourhood Watch

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Neighbourhood Watch swept the awards at the Setting Sun Short Film competition taking away Best Short Feature, Best Screenplay, Best Director and Best Film.

[imdb style=”dark”]tt14057260[/imdb]

Dad Got Fantasy

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Dad Got Fantasy was a family affair. Filmed in half a day by Dan, his wife and daughter for The 48 Hour Film Project, Melbourne 2018 where it took away 4 awards including Best Directing.

[imdb style=”dark”]tt14083436[/imdb]

Shit on The Liver – King Parrot

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In 2012 Dan shot and directed this clip for his good pals King Parrot, helping launch the band internationally and toted as ‘arguably one of the best extreme metal videos ever made.’ The clip was selected to compete at the St Kilda Film Festival in 2013.

[imdb style=”dark”]tt14064090[/imdb]

DP Showreel


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Music Video

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Short Film

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IMDB listing

[imdb style data=”detailed”]nm3415911[/imdb]

[imdb-lists show=”grid”]ls505570572[/imdb-lists]

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director/DP   p. 0413 520 463   

p. 0413 520 463
Victoria - Australia

All rights reserved Dan Farmer.